So, ever had those moments when you’ve spent the whole day at your desk, “working”, but at the end of the day you suddenly realise you haven’t accomplished much at all? Managers, fed up of chasing your team members to get stuff done.

You don’t need to spend a ton of money on a fancy consultant and forming a committee is an excellent way of discussing the matter to death. While a salary increase or a bonus is something everyone enjoys, it isn’t always effective when it comes to breaking the daily monotony affecting even the most dedicated employee. Why not shake things up a bit?


1.Buddy System

Help new employees assimilate into your organisation by starting a Buddy System and pairing them with an existing employee. Aside from helping them with understanding the work better, it will encourage a formation of friendships in your work environment and make a team more effective.

Buddy system


2.Reward System

Employ a simple Reward System and celebrate significant achievements of all employees and publicly acknowledge their contribution to your organisation. Employ a monthly award system where the most productive team member in each team is presented with a small award in a ceremony attended by all employees. Have their manager highlight exactly what they have achieved and acknowledge their efforts. This will make them feel appreciated and acknowledged and much more likely to keep working hard. It will also have a handy dual effect of encouraging healthy competition among your employees.

Business star


3.Casual Social Gatherings

Organize monthly casual social gatherings over food and drinks for individual teams. It’s an excellent way for team members to bond and will help them work together better as a more cohesive unit. It also helps break the ice between junior/newer staff and management as they see managers in a more relaxed and sociable mood.

Casual gathering


4.Paid Holidays

Every human being, much like a sponge will have a saturation point. Encourage paid holidays for employees with heavy workloads and stressful jobs. While pushing your employees to worker longer and longer hours may seem productive, it will only be so in the short run. Pretty soon your staff will burn out and stop being productive at all. Additionally, stressed out Managers will not be able to lead a team effectively.

paid holiday


5.Fresh Air & Exercise

Many companies have seen value in having 10-15 mins in a day scheduled towards forcing employees to leave their desks and step outside to enjoy some fresh air and exercise which has been found to reduce stress  and help employees solve problems when they get back to it with a fresher perspective. Additionally, it has been found that a fitter employee is a productive employee.

fresh air n exercise


6.Birthdays & Popular Festivals

Celebrate birthdays of employees and popular festivals in office. Bring a cake and a card and get everyone in the office to sign it. Enjoy the festivals like Diwali, Ganesh Chhaturthi and Christmas. Organise a party in office with food, music and even group games like Housie or a Raffle. Have a fun competition on the day and give awards like ‘Best Dressed’, ‘Best Dancer’ etc.

Birthday party.


7.Switch Job Roles

Have employees switch roles for a day as they do the job of someone else in the organisation. This helps break the monotony and in the nascent stages of a company, it never harms to have well-rounded employees who can capably cover any area they may be needed in at any time.




Invest in your employees  and your are investing in the future of your company. A happy, engaged workforce, is a productive workforce. Your employees are the people who do the work and represent your company to customers. Without them a company is just an empty shell and hollow words on a page.

It’s time to catalyze your employees and inspire them to go from seat warmers to your company’s biggest asset.

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